技术开发 频道


  Join Vs select 结果集作列


  select f1, f2, count(*) from a join b join c join d join e ……


  Select f1, f2, (select count(*) from a join b ) from c……


1 select t1.assignment_id assignmentId,t5.person_id,
2                        t2.subject_name subjectName,
3                        t3.dict_name assignType,
4                        t1.assign_date assignDate,
5                        t4.totalcount totalCount,
6                        (select dict_name from bas_diction where dict_id = t5.assign_marks) as assignMarks,
7                        (case t5.if_submit when 1 then '是' else '否' end) as ifSubmit,
8                        t6.errorcount errorCount,
9                        t6.nocheckCount,
10                        case t1.online_assignment when 1 then '是' else '否' end as ifOnline,
11                        (select dict_name from bas_diction where dict_id = t5.write_appraise) as writeAppraise
12                 from hom_assignmentinfo t1,bas_subject t2,bas_diction t3,
13                      (select t1.assignment_id,count(*) as totalcount from hom_assignmentinfo t1,hom_assignment t2
14                       where t1.assignment_id = t2.hom_assignment_id
15                       group by t1.assignment_id) t4,hom_assignment_appraise t5 left join
16                      (select t1.assignment_id,t3.appraise_id,
17                             sum(case t3.check_result when 3003001 then 0 else 1 end) as errorcount,
18                             sum(case when t3.check_result=3003001 or t3.recheck_result=3003001 then 0 else 1 end)as nocheckCount
19                       from hom_assignmentinfo t1,hom_check_assignment t3
20                       where t1.assignment_id = t3.assignment_id
21                           and t1.person_id='13042'
22                       group by t1.assignment_id,t3.appraise_id) t6 on (t5.appraise_id=t6.appraise_id)    
23                 where t1.subject_id = t2.subject_id
24                       and t1.assign_type = t3.dict_id
25                       and t1.assignment_id = t4.assignment_id
26                       and t1.assignment_id = t5.assignment_id
27                       and not exists (select 1 from hom_assignmentinfo t11,hom_assignment_appraise t12
28                        where t11.assignment_id=t12.assignment_id and
29                                t11.online_assignment = 0 and
30                             t12.person_id='13042' and
31                             t11.subject_id = t1.subject_id and t11.assign_date > t1.assign_date)
32                       and t1.assign_date is not null
33                       and t5.person_id='13042'
34                 order by t1.assign_date desc;    

  改写成下面的,速度由0.625秒优化到: 0.032  

1 select t1.assignment_id assignmentId,t5.person_id,
2                        t2.subject_name subjectName,
3                        t3.dict_name assignType,
4                        t1.assign_date assignDate,
5                       (select  count(*) as totalcount from hom_assignmentinfo where assignment_id=t1.assignment_id) totalcnt,
6                             (
7                                select  sum(case t3.check_result when 3003001 then 0 else 1 end)  
8                                 from hom_check_assignment t3
9                                 where t1.assignment_id = t3.assignment_id
10                             )  errorcount,
11                             (
12                                select sum(case when t3.check_result=3003001 or t3.recheck_result=3003001 then 0 else 1 end)as nocheckCount
13                                 from hom_check_assignment t3
14                                 where t1.assignment_id = t3.assignment_id
15                             )  nocheckCount,
16                        (select dict_name from bas_diction where dict_id = t5.assign_marks) as assignMarks,
17                        (case t5.if_submit when 1 then '是' else '否' end) as ifSubmit,
18                case t1.online_assignment when 1 then '是' else '否' end as ifOnline,
19                        (select dict_name from bas_diction where dict_id = t5.write_appraise) as writeAppraise
20                 from hom_assignmentinfo t1,bas_subject t2,bas_diction t3, hom_assignment_appraise t5
21                 where t1.subject_id = t2.subject_id
22                       and t1.assign_type = t3.dict_id
23                       and t1.assignment_id = t5.assignment_id
24                       and not exists (select 1 from hom_assignmentinfo t11,hom_assignment_appraise t12
25                        where t11.assignment_id=t12.assignment_id and
26                                t11.online_assignment = 0 and
27                             t12.person_id='13042' and
28                             t11.subject_id = t1.subject_id and t11.assign_date > t1.assign_date)
29                       and t1.assign_date is not null
30                       and t5.person_id='13042'
31                 order by t1.assign_date desc;    