【IT168 资讯】Python 2.7正式版于7月3日发布,这是Python 2.7的第一个正式版本,这也是Python开发日程中2.x的最后一个主要版本。
该版本包含很多Python 3.1的新特性,主要改进包括如下几个方面:
1. 有序字典类型(An ordered dictionary type)
2. New unittest features including test skipping and new assert methods
3. 更快的 IO 模块(A much faster io module)
4. Automatic numbering of fields in the str.format() method
5. Float repr improvements backported from 3.x
6. Tkinter 封装器支持 Tile(Tile support for Tkinter)
7. A backport of the memoryview object from 3.x
8. Set literals
9. Set and dictionary comprehensions
10. 字典 views(Dictionary views)
11. New syntax for nested with statements
12. sysconfig 模块(The sysconfig module)
Gzipped source tar ball (2.7) (sig)
Bzipped source tar ball (2.7) (sig)