技术开发 频道

NetBeans7.0M1 发布

  NetBeans7.0M1 发布

  今天在netbeans 星球上看到了netbeans7.0M1 发布的消息,顺便看了看M1 的特性感觉很不错,看看截图你就会明白了,正所谓 “一图胜千言”。 喜欢尝鲜的朋友可以试一试。

  NetBeans7.0 M1 特性一览表:


  2、增强的工具栏 功效(behavior)

  The implementation of the main window toolbars has been rewritten from scratch so now the toolbars behave better when the main window is being resized. It's also possible to dock any toolbar to the right edge of the main window.

  3、增强的说明 MIME 类型 分析器

  DTD of declarative MIME resolver was extended by new elements. The name element is intended for file name checking and the pattern element enables to check a string pattern in file content. For performance reasons it is highly recommended to use declarative resolvers instead of procedural ones.

  Details: How to create declarative MIME resolver

  4.增强的Maven 项目支持

  Broad support for Maven based projects was added to standard NetBeans distribution. Maven NetBeans support allows you to easily open, build, run, profile and deploy your existing Maven projects or create new one from the scratch. If interested, we encourage you to read Maven Best Practices document which describes how to use IDE's Maven support. Note that document refers to state in 6.5 version, and there are couple of improvements in 7.0 M1, which include:



  更好的POM xml 编辑器,支持代码生成


 支持 不同风格 Web Services (SOAP)


  Java Web, EE, Web Frameworks

  Struts library 升级到 1.3.8


  The SQL Editor now supports Save As. This also allows an SQL file created through "View Data" or "Execute Command" to be saved as another name or in another directory.

  Java Debugger

  Exception breakpoints print the name of the exception class and exception message when hit.

  It's possible to evaluate code fragments, not just single expressions.


  Editor pane can be synchronized with Projects and Files views. In other words: when editor is selected then the file in editor is also selected in Projects tab or Files tab.

  Freeform project wizard will scan first two levels of folders under selected project folder root and offer possible source roots in the next wizard panel.

  编辑器 和 Java 项目

  The ParsingAPI has been merged to the trunk.

  Keymap 选项面版改变使得他更加的容易使用。

  Ruby and Ruby on Rails


  Platform Node in the project logical view

  增强的库选择功能 如下图


  detect incorrect hash assignments

  better Ruby constants support (context sensitive code completion, type inference, ...)

  initial works on type inference in general (more here)

  ability to enable logging through GUI


  Context menu actions for running/debugging test cases and suites

  支持初始化 Shoulda 测试

  Tooltips showing the output of the selected test case / suite.


  支持 JavaScript 1.7 (More information)

  增强的 E4X 支持 (More information)

