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ASP.NET4与VS2010 Web开发页面服务改进




  为了使所有应用程序都能够利用缓存,.NET Framework 4引入了一个新的程序集,一个新的命名空间,一些基本类型和一个具体的缓存实现。新程序集System.Runtime.Caching.dll中在System.Runtime.Caching命名空间中包含了一个新的缓存API。该命名空间包含了两个核心的类集:

  ? 为定制缓存实现提供了一些具备基本功能的抽象类型。

  ? 提供了一个具体的内存对象缓存实现(即System.Runtime.Caching.MemoryCache类)。

  新的MemoryCache类的建模方式极类似于ASP.NET缓存,其中使用了相当部分的ASP.NET中的内部缓引擎逻辑。虽然已经更新System.Runtime.Caching中的公共缓存API以支持开发自定义缓存,但是如果您使用ASP.NET Cache对象的话,那么你在使用新的API过程中会发现许多熟悉的概念。


private void btnGet_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//Obtain a reference to the default MemoryCache instance.
//Note that you can create multiple MemoryCache(s) inside
//of a single application.
  ObjectCache cache
= MemoryCache.Default;
//In this example the cache is storing the contents of a file string
= cache["filecontents"] as string;
//If the file contents are not currently in the cache, then
//the contents are read from disk and placed in the cache.
if (fileContents == null)
//A CacheItemPolicy object holds all the pieces of cache
//dependency and cache expiration metadata related to a single
//cache entry.
    CacheItemPolicy policy
= new CacheItemPolicy();
//Build up the information necessary to create a file dependency.
//In this case we just need the file path of the file on disk.
<string> filePaths = new List<string>();
//In the new cache API, dependencies are called "change monitors".
//For this example we want the cache entry to be automatically expired
//if the contents on disk change. A HostFileChangeMonitor provides
//this functionality.
new HostFileChangeMonitor(filePaths));
//Fetch the file's contents
    fileContents = File.ReadAllText("c:\\data.txt");
//And then store the file's contents in the cache
    cache.Set("filecontents", fileContents, policy);