技术开发 频道

Meego 与其他手机操作系统 PK




  其中,M. Edward (Ed) Borasky的邮件中写到:

  Yes! In particular, we need marketing and sales people - MeeGo has to be *better* than iPhone / iPad, Android and ChromeOS, and the world needs to know *why* it's better.


  Yes! I want to collect the factors why meego's better.


  My own take is

  1. MeeGo is totally open. Apple is mostly closed. Android is mostly open, but ChromeOS is open only on the device - the actual apps run in Google's cloud.

  2. MeeGo is a single platform. for handhelds and netbooks. Apple has an iPhone / iPad platform. and a laptop / desktop platform, and no netbook at all. Google has a handheld platform. and a netbook platform.

  3. You can run almost any Linux app on MeeGo, given enough RAM and processor capacity. iPhone / iPad apps need to be developed specifically for the platform. Most open source apps will run on the MacOS X laptops and desktops. Android apps need to be developed specifically for the platform, and ChromeOS "netbooks" don't run apps at all - just a browser.

  4. For the developer, I think MeeGo is way easier to work with. But I don't know that developers are the target market. Linux, after all, has one percent of the desktop / laptop market share.  (And 99 percent of my attention share - the other 1 percent is devoted to weekly virus scan and Windows Vista updates.


  1.Difference between MeeGo and Android is huge. MeeGo is linux and Android is a special kind of java virtual machine.

  2. More to the point: MeeGo is a standard Linux stack, very close to what you get

  for desktop Linux.Android is a Linux kernel with entirely custom (or unusual) userland stack.

  All the apps are written in Java and run in a special virtual machine.

  3. MeeGo is a pure linux and Android _theoretically_ can be run without linux at all. you just need to bootstrap it's virtual machine. it should work even on windows.Android apps do not care about underlying operating system. They care only about virtual machine
