技术开发 频道

图解SQL Server2008迁移到EnterpriseDB

  单击Migration Studio主菜单中的File选项,然后选择Add Server项,将调出如下图所示的Add Server窗口。

  五、将Microsoft SQL Server 2008添加到Migration Studio

  单击New按钮,将出现一个New Server窗口,其中各字段均为空。从下拉菜单中,为Server Type字段选择SQL Server。提供一个昵称用于SQL Server身份验证,用户名输入[DomainUSER],InitialDB这里为TestNorthwind。


  "The SQL Server 2008 used here is a named instance with the name Sangam[localhost]. The user name in the Migration Studio's New Server window is that of the computer owner. If you are not the computer owner, you should get the proper credentials to the SQL Server from your DBA."

  单击OK按钮,SQL Server就会添加到Add Server窗口,如下图所示。
