技术开发 频道


  4. 打开ContactDetailPage1.xaml.cs,在代码文件中,同样的,将类型参数值改成Object。


        /// <summary>
/// Creates a Contact Detail page, specifying
/// edit mode and index of ContactList item to
/// be displayed when in Read mode.
/// </summary>
        public ContactDetailPage1(bool editmode, int itemNumber)
this.KeepAlive = true;

// if in read mode...
            if (editmode == false)
                ContactList cl
as ContactList;

// if the contact list is populated get an object using index
                if (cl != null && cl.Count > 0)
                    Contact c
= cl[itemNumber];
this.RootGrid.DataContext = c;

// set the input fields to read only
                    this.txtEmailAddress.IsEnabled = false;
this.txtFirstName.IsEnabled = false;
this.txtLastName.IsEnabled = false;

this.ButtonPanel1.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;
this.ButtonPanel2.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;
this.btnHomePage.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;
this.btnEmailAddress.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;


  5. 添加一个Cancel和一个Finish的事件处理函数。OnCancelClick方法用来关闭窗口。OnFinishClick从额面上读出输入框里的内容,组成一个联系人对象,并将它传递给Page Function注册的返回句柄。

        private void OnCancelClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)

private void OnFinishClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            ContactList cl
= Application.Current.Properties["ContactList"]
as ContactList;
            Contact c
= new Contact();
= this.txtFirstName.Text;
= this.txtLastName.Text;
= new Uri(this.txtHomePage.Text);
= this.txtEmailAddress.Text;
new ReturnEventArgs<object>(c));


using System;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Data;
using System.Windows.Documents;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Navigation;
using System.Windows.Shapes;

namespace AddressBook
/// <summary>
/// Interaction logic for UILessPageFunction.xaml
/// </summary>

public partial class UILessPageFunction : PageFunction<Object>
public UILessPageFunction()
// The OnLoaded handler is run automatically when the class is loaded
        private void OnLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
// navigate to the first of two page functions which
// have 'add contact' UI
            ContactDetailPage1 pageFunction =
new ContactDetailPage1(true, 0);
new ReturnEventHandler<object>(pageFunction1_Return);

// This is the ContactDetailPage1 page function's return handler
        void pageFunction1_Return(object sender, ReturnEventArgs<object> e)
// get a reference to the address book's contact list
            ContactList cl =
as ContactList;
            Contact c
= e.Result as Contact;
// add the newly created contact to the list