【IT168 技术】也许有人会发现其实在申报我们的程序数据报告时,大部分都是以天为单位的,有些可能是用小时为单位。但是通常采取的方式都是直接调用T-SQL的时间函数比如DataAdd和DataPart。
这种方式并不能让人满意,这样会向SQl Server中加载许多没用的信息。数据库中呈现的应该是我们真正需要的干净而简洁的信息。有什么办法来处理这一问题吗?
insert into DailyHits (UserId, DaysSince, Count)
select UserId, SecondsSince/86400, count(*)
from Hits
group by UserId, SecondsSince/86400
--86400 is the number of seconds in a day
insert into HourlyHits (UserId, HoursSince, Count)
select UserId, SecondsSince/3600, count(*)
from Hits
group by UserId, SecondsSince/3600
--3600 is the number of seconds in a hour
select UserId, SecondsSince/86400, count(*)
from Hits
group by UserId, SecondsSince/86400
--86400 is the number of seconds in a day
insert into HourlyHits (UserId, HoursSince, Count)
select UserId, SecondsSince/3600, count(*)
from Hits
group by UserId, SecondsSince/3600
--3600 is the number of seconds in a hour
public static readonly DateTime Epoch = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1);
public IList GetDailyHits(DateTime from, DateTime to)
command.CommandText = "select * from DailyHits where DaysSince > @From and DaysSince < @To";
command.Parameters.Add("@From", from.Substract(Epoch).TotalDays);
command.Parameters.Add("@To", to.Substract(Epoch).TotalDays);
public IList GetDailyHits(DateTime from, DateTime to)
command.CommandText = "select * from DailyHits where DaysSince > @From and DaysSince < @To";
command.Parameters.Add("@From", from.Substract(Epoch).TotalDays);
command.Parameters.Add("@To", to.Substract(Epoch).TotalDays);