Axum with Channel
using System;
using System.Concurrency;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Microsoft.Axum;
using System.Concurrency.Messaging;
public channel PingPongStatus
input int HowMany;
output int Done;
Start: { HowMany, Done -> End; }
public agent Ping : channel PingPongStatus
public Ping()
// How many are we supposed to do?
var iters = receive(PrimaryChannel::HowMany);
// Create pong and send how many to do
var chan = Pong.CreateInNewDomain();
chan::HowMany <-- iters;
// Send pings and receive pongs
for (int i = 0; i < iters; i++)
chan::Ping <-- Signal.Value;
Console.WriteLine("Ping received Pong");
// How many did Pong process?
int pongIters = receive(chan::Done);
PrimaryChannel::Done <-- 0;
public channel PingPong
input int HowMany;
output int Done;
input Signal Ping;
output Signal Pong;
public agent Pong : channel PingPong
public Pong()
// Get how many we're supposed to do
var iters = receive(PrimaryChannel::HowMany);
int i = 0;
// Receive our ping and send back our pong
for (; i < iters; i++)
Console.WriteLine("Pong received Ping");
PrimaryChannel::Pong <-- Signal.Value;
PrimaryChannel::Done <-- i;
public agent Program : channel Application
public Program()
// Wait for our command args
var cmdArgs = receive(PrimaryChannel::CommandLine);
// Set the iterations to be some number
var iters = 3;
// Create instance of ping and send msg
var chan = Ping.CreateInNewDomain();
chan::HowMany <-- iters;
// Receive how many done
PrimaryChannel::Done <-- Signal.Value;
open System
type message = Finished | Msg of int * MailboxProcessor<message>
let ping iters (outbox : MailboxProcessor<message>) =
MailboxProcessor.Start(fun inbox ->
let rec loop n = async {
if n > 0 then
outbox.Post( Msg(n, inbox) )
let! msg = inbox.Receive()
Console.WriteLine("ping received pong")
return! loop(n-1)
Console.WriteLine("ping finished")
return ()}
loop iters)
let pong () =
MailboxProcessor.Start(fun inbox ->
let rec loop () = async {
let! msg = inbox.Receive()
match msg with
| Finished ->
Console.WriteLine("pong finished")
return ()
| Msg(n, outbox) ->
Console.WriteLine("pong received ping")
outbox.Post(Msg(n, inbox)
return! loop() }
let ponger = pong()
do (ping 10 ponger) |> ignore
F# with ActorLite
open System
open ActorLite
let (<=) (m:_ Actor) msg = m.Post msg
type message = string * message Actor
let pong =
{ new message Actor() with
override self.Receive(message) =
let msg, ping = message
ping <= ("Pong", self) }
let ping =
{ new message Actor() with
override self.Receive(message) =
let msg, pong = message
pong <= ("Ping", self) }
ping <= ("Start", pong)
Console.ReadLine |> ignore