技术开发 频道


    HOLIDAY_GET Provides a table of all the holidays based upon a Factory Calendar &/ Holiday Calendar.

    HR_BEN_GET_FROM_FEATURE_BAREA Call the HR feature to determine the Benefit Area for an employee

    HR_BEN_GET_FROM_FEATURE_BENGR Call the HR feature to determine the Benefit Group for an employee

    HR_BEN_GET_FROM_FEATURE_BSTAT Call the HR feature to determine the Benefit Status for an employee

    HR_BEN_GET_FROM_FEATURE_COVGR Call the HR feature to determine the Cover Group for an employee

    HR_BEN_GET_FROM_FEATURE_CSTV1 Call the HR feature to determine the CSTV1 feature for an employee

    HR_BEN_GET_FROM_FEATURE_EECGR Call the HR feature to determine the Employee Cost Group for an employee

    HR_BEN_GET_FROM_FEATURE_ELIGR Call the HR feature to determine the Eligiblity Group for an employee

    HR_BEN_GET_FROM_FEATURE_ERCGR Call the HR feature to determine the Employer Cost Group for an employee

    HR_BEN_GET_FROM_FEATURE_EVTGR Evaluate the EVTGR feature for an employee

    HR_BEN_GET_FROM_FEATURE_FLXGR Evaluate the FLXGR feature for an employee

    HR_BEN_GET_FROM_FEATURE_LDAYW Evaluate the LDAYW feature for an employee

    HR_BEN_GET_FROM_FEATURE_LRPGR Evaluate the LRPGR feature for an employee

    HR_BEN_GET_FROM_FEATURE_TRMGR Evaluate the TRMGR feature for an employee

    HR_BEN_GET_FROM_FEATURE_VARGU Evaluate the VARGU feature for an employee

    HR_DISPLAY_BASIC_LIST is an HR function, but can be used for any data. You pass it data, and column headers, and it provides a table control with the ability to manipulate the data, and send it to Word or Excel. Also see the additional documentation here.

    HR_GET_LEAVE_DATA Get all leave information (includes leave entitlement, used holidays/paid out holidays)

    HR_IE_NUM_PRSI_WEEKS Return the number of weeks between two dates.

    HR_INFOTYPE_OPERATION BAPI function module to create/change infotypes in HR



* Use 'BAPI_EMPLOYEE_ENQUEUE' to lock the employee before updating
    DATA: l_bapireturn LIKE bapireturn1.

    DATA: bapipakey_tab LIKE bapipakey OCCURS

    data: l_p0169 like p0169.

    parameters: p_pernr like p0169
-pernr default '07000003'.


= p_pernr
return = l_bapireturn.

    IF l_bapireturn
-id NE space.
/ l_p0169-pernr, 'Enqueue failed'.

*-- Suported operations:
*-- change (operation = 'MOD')
*-- Create (operation = 'INS')
*-- DELETE (operation = 'DEL')
*-- CREATESUCCESSOR (operation = 'COP')
-barea = '7A'.
-pltyp = 'RRSP'.
-bplan = 'RRSP'.
-elidt = '20000101'.
-enrty = 'M'.
-perio = '4'.

= '0169'
= 'RRSP'
= p_pernr
= l_p0169
= '20021001'
= '99991231'
= 'INS'
* dialog_mode = '0' "Use default
    * nocommit = '1' "Use default
return = l_bapireturn
= bapipakey_tab.

    IF l_bapireturn
-id NE space.
/ p_pernr,
20 'Create was unsuccessful',
/ p_pernr,
20 'Create was successful',

* Use 'BAPI_EMPLOYEE_DEQUEUE' to un-lock the employee before updating
= l_p0169-pernr
return = l_bapireturn.

