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NetBeans 6.7 RC1 版本发布


  在NetBeans Platform平台中,应用软体是用一系列的软体模组(modular software components)建构出来。而这些模组是一个jar档(Java archive file)它包含了一组Java程式的类别而它们实作全依据依NetBeans定义了的公开介面以及一系列用来区分不同模组的定义描述档( manifest file)。有赖于模组化带来的好处,用模组来建构的应用程式可只要加上新的模组就能进一步扩充。由于模组可以独立地进行开发,所以由NetBeans平 台开发出来的应用程式就能利用着第三方软体,非常容易及有效率地进行扩充。

  NetBeans IDE 6.7 Release Candidate 1 (RC1) introduces integration with Project Kenai, a collaborative environment for developers to host open-source projects. With Kenai and the NetBeans IDE, a team of developers is able to create projects, check out, edit, debug, build, and commit code, all through one easy-to-use interface!

  The release also builds on the success of NetBeans 6.5 with native support for Maven; GlassFish and Hudson integrations; and enhancements to Java, PHP, Ruby, Groovy and C/C++. Additional highlights of the 6.7 RC1 release include support for JavaScript 1.7, and SVG Rich Components.
