技术开发 频道


    Preparing for the Interview


    Before undertaking an interview the analyst should have a good understanding of the organization, its industry setting and the project's scope and objectives. This involves reviewing:

    · Organization reports

    · Annual reports

    · Long-range planning documents

    · Statements of departmental goals

    · Existing procedure manuals and

    · Systems documentation


    · 组织结构报告

    · 年度报告

    · 长期发展计划

    · 部门目标的陈述

    · 已有程序手册

    · 系统文档

    Analysts must understand common industry terms (glossary) and be somewhat familiar with the business problems of the industry.


    Planning and Scheduling the Interview


    Prepare a list of topics and questions to be covered to help ensure that important points are not overlooked and that the interview follows a logical progression.


    Scheduling the interview should proceed from the top down. Heads of departments or sections are usually interviewed before the employees who report to them.


    While requesting for the meeting, team members should explain the purpose of the interview, the general areas to be covered and the approximate amount of time required to cover all areas.


    Opening and Closing the Interview


    While opening an interview, introduce yourself, state the purpose of the interview, address any concerns raised by the interviewee, and explain that brief notes will be taken and shared with the interviewee after they have been organized.


    Often interviewees are concerned that an analyst is trying to find fault with the way they work. One way to set them at ease is to get them to talk about processes with which they are familiar. The best interviews are those where the interviewees do most of the talking. Therefore, analysts should look for ways to get interviewees to open up to them.

    For example:



    "What one change would make your job easier or more effective?"

    This question elicits suggestions for improvement.

    When all areas on the interview outline have been explored, ask questions like:

    "Is there anything we've overlooked?" or

    "What other areas should I have asked you about?"

    This encourages the interviewee to discuss issues that should have been covered.

    “怎样的变化将使你的工作更简单或更有效? ”






    Closing the interview involves briefly summarizing the areas that have been discussed, highlighting the important facts and your understanding of them. This lets the interviewee know that you have been listening carefully during the interview and provides an opportunity for clarifying any misunderstandings.


    During the summary, as well as during the entire interview, the analyst should adopt a posture of objectivity and avoid personal comments, observations, or conclusions.


    Finally, in closing, you must thank the interviewee for the time and ask if a shorter follow- up interview can be scheduled at a later date, if necessary.

