2、Buffer Cache
1)granule大小的设置,db_cache_size以字节为单位定义了default buffer pool的大小。
2) 根据v$db_cache_advice调整buffer cache的大小
SELECT size_for_estimate,buffers_for_estimate,estd_physical_read_factor,estd_physical_reads FROM v$db_cache_advice WHERE NAME='DEFAULT' AND advice_status='ON' AND block_size=(SELECT Value FROM v$parameter WHERE NAME='db_block_size');
3) 统计buffer cache的cache hit ratio>90%,如果低于90%,可以用下列方案解决:
增加buffer cache的值;
使用多个buffer pool;
Cache table;
为 sorting and parallel reads 建独立的buffer cache;
SELECT NAME,value FROM v$sysstat WHERE NAME IN ('session logical reads','physical reads','physical reads direct','physical reads direct(lob)');
Cache hit ratio=1-(physical reads-physical reads direct-physical reads direct (lob))/session logical reads;
Select 1-(phy.value-dir.value-lob.value)/log.value from v$sysstat log, v$sysstat phy, v$sysstat dir, v$sysstat LOB where log.name='session logical reads' and phy.name='physical reads' and dir.name='physical reads direct' and lob.name='physical reads direct (lob)';
影响cache hit ratio的因素:
全表扫描;应用设计;大表的随机访问;cache hits的不均衡分布