技术开发 频道

自行开发JSP HTTP服务器的绝对秘籍(三)



但是通过Java Class类提供的newInstance接口,可以通过类名来创建类实例(Instance)对象。这样就可以占用内存执行该对象的相应方法。以下将给出载入class对象和执行类对象的实例对象的代码。
//Create URL list by path. URL [] URLs = {new URL("file:///" + path + "/"), null}; //Create Java URLClassLoader by URLs URLClassLoader URLCl = new URLClassLoader(URLs); //Load class by 类名 Class cs = URLCl.loadClass(className); if(cs != null) { //Put 类名 (as key) and class instance object (as value) into container m_ht.put(className, cs.newInstance() ); System.out.println(className + " loaded ok."); return true; } else { System.out.println(className + " loaded faild."); return false; }

对于类的执行,首先我们要清楚的是,我们所生成的类的用途是什么。不同于普通的Java Application,我们所通过jsp源文件生成的类都是服务页(Server Page)类,主要的用途就是从HTTP服务器接受到的参数中获取信息,并将信息的处理结果输出给客户端。所以,这些服务页类的框架应该是一致的,即具备参数解析和客户端应答功能。我们说执行这些服务页类,实际上就是执行定义在类对象的实例对象的相关函数,进行参数解析和客户端应答。以下是执行服务页类的实例代码:
//Get the class instance object by class name, //And convert the object to be ServerPage object obj = (ServerPage)(m_ht.get(className)); if(obj != null) { try { //Call the function Init for ServerPage obj.Init(params, out); } catch (Exception execute) { System.out.println("Initialize server page failure."); return; } }
以上代码中,我们根据类名来获取对应的类实例(Instance)对象。并将该类对象的实例对象转换为ServerPage对象(实际上,我们设计的思路就是,所有的网页类都继承于一个叫ServerPage的类),并调用ServerPage 类的Init方法。而Init方法就是所有服务页(Server Page)类的关键函数。Init函数的源代码如下:
//The member which be used for parse the params_list public static HTTPRequest Request = null; //The member which be used for response the result public static HTTPResponse Response = null;…… //---------------------------------------------------------------- //Initialize the member variants public void Init(final String params, final java.io.PrintWriter out) { try { //Create Request member for parse the parameters list Request = new HTTPRequest(params); //Create Respond member for output to client socket Response = new HTTPResponse(out); } catch (java.io.IOException init) { System.out.print("Initialize the params_list and response failure."); return; } }

//Generate framework of server page fout.println("//Java Server Page intermedia file. All rights reserved by Foolstudio."); fout.println("public class " + className + " extends ServerPage {"); //Overload the function init of class ServerPage fout.println("public void Init(final String __params, final java.io.PrintWriter __out) {"); fout.println("super.Init(__params, __out);"); fout.println("output();"); fout.println("}"); //All of output in the function output fout.println("private void output() {");


//The member be used for contains the pairs of key and value. private Hashtable m_ht; //---------------------------------------------------------------- //Constructor //Parse the request public HTTPRequest(String params) throws java.io.IOException { //Create key-value container m_ht = new Hashtable(128); if(params.equals("") == true) { return; } //Decode the parameters list (can select GBK and GB2312) params = URLDecoder.decode(params, "GBK"); //Split the key-value list splitRequest(params); } …… //---------------------------------------------------------------- //Get the value by key public String getParameter(final String key)

