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常用的Struts 2.0的标志(Tag)介绍


    UI标志又可以分为表单UI和非表单UI两部分。表单UI部分基本与Struts 1.x相同,都是对HTML表单元素的包装。不过,Struts 2.0加了几个我们经常在项目中用到的控件如:datepicker、doubleselect、timepicker、optiontransferselect等。因为这些标志很多都经常用到,而且参数也很多,要在一篇文章详细说明并非易事。

http://wiki.javascud.org/display/ww2cndoc/Tags WebWork2文档中文化计划(中文)
http://cwiki.apache.org/WW/tag-reference.html Tag Developers Guide(英文)

在此,我虽然不能够详细讲述这些标志,但是可以与大家分享一个来Struts 2.0 Show Case一个例子。

* * $Id: UITagExample.java 420385 2006-07-10 00:57:05Z mrdon $ * * Copyright 2006 The Apache Software Foundation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.struts2.showcase; import org.apache.struts2.ServletActionContext; import com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionSupport; import com.opensymphony.xwork2.Validateable; import com.opensymphony.xwork2.util.OgnlValueStack; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.io.File; /** *//** */ public class UITagExample extends ActionSupport implements Validateable { private static final long serialVersionUID = -94044809860988047L; String name; Date birthday; String bio; String favoriteColor; List friends; boolean legalAge; String state; String region; File picture; String pictureContentType; String pictureFileName; String favouriteLanguage; String favouriteVehicalType = "MotorcycleKey"; String favouriteVehicalSpecific = "YamahaKey"; List leftSideCartoonCharacters; List rightSideCartoonCharacters; List favouriteLanguages = new ArrayList(); List vehicalTypeList = new ArrayList(); Map vehicalSpecificMap = new HashMap(); String thoughts; public UITagExample() { favouriteLanguages.add(new Language("EnglishKey", "English Language")); favouriteLanguages.add(new Language("FrenchKey", "French Language")); favouriteLanguages.add(new Language("SpanishKey", "Spanish Language")); VehicalType car = new VehicalType("CarKey", "Car"); VehicalType motorcycle = new VehicalType("MotorcycleKey", "Motorcycle"); vehicalTypeList.add(car); vehicalTypeList.add(motorcycle); List cars = new ArrayList(); cars.add(new VehicalSpecific("MercedesKey", "Mercedes")); cars.add(new VehicalSpecific("HondaKey", "Honda")); cars.add(new VehicalSpecific("FordKey", "Ford")); List motorcycles = new ArrayList(); motorcycles.add(new VehicalSpecific("SuzukiKey", "Suzuki")); motorcycles.add(new VehicalSpecific("YamahaKey", "Yamaha")); vehicalSpecificMap.put(car, cars); vehicalSpecificMap.put(motorcycle, motorcycles); } public List getLeftSideCartoonCharacters() { return leftSideCartoonCharacters; } public void setLeftSideCartoonCharacters(List leftSideCartoonCharacters) { this.leftSideCartoonCharacters = leftSideCartoonCharacters; } public List getRightSideCartoonCharacters() { return rightSideCartoonCharacters; } public void setRightSideCartoonCharacters(List rightSideCartoonCharacters) { this.rightSideCartoonCharacters = rightSideCartoonCharacters; } public String getFavouriteVehicalType() { return favouriteVehicalType; } public void setFavouriteVehicalType(String favouriteVehicalType) { this.favouriteVehicalType = favouriteVehicalType; } public String getFavouriteVehicalSpecific() { return favouriteVehicalSpecific; } public void setFavouriteVehicalSpecific(String favouriteVehicalSpecific) { this.favouriteVehicalSpecific = favouriteVehicalSpecific; } public List getVehicalTypeList() { return vehicalTypeList; } public List getVehicalSpecificList() { OgnlValueStack stack = ServletActionContext.getValueStack(ServletActionContext.getRequest()); Object vehicalType = stack.findValue("top"); if (vehicalType != null && vehicalType instanceof VehicalType) { List l = (List) vehicalSpecificMap.get(vehicalType); return l; } return Collections.EMPTY_LIST; } public List getFavouriteLanguages() { return favouriteLanguages; } public String execute() throws Exception { return SUCCESS; } /**//* Getters and Setters */ public String doSubmit() { return SUCCESS; } // === inner class public static class Language { String description; String key; public Language(String key, String description) { this.key = key; this.description = description; } public String getKey() { return key; } public String getDescription() { return description; } } public static class VehicalType { String key; String description; public VehicalType(String key, String description) { this.key = key; this.description = description; } public String getKey() { return this.key; } public String getDescription() { return this.description; } public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (! (obj instanceof VehicalType)) { return false; } else { return key.equals(((VehicalType)obj).getKey()); } } public int hashCode() { return key.hashCode(); } } public static class VehicalSpecific { String key; String description; public VehicalSpecific(String key, String description) { this.key = key; this.description = description; } public String getKey() { return this.key; } public String getDescription() { return this.description; } public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (! (obj instanceof VehicalSpecific)) { return false; } else { return key.equals(((VehicalSpecific)obj).getKey()); } } public int hashCode() { return key.hashCode(); } } }
例6 org.apache.struts2.showcase.UITagExample.java

<%@ page contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" pageEncoding="UTF-8" %> <%@ taglib prefix="s" uri="/struts-tags" %> <html> <head> <title>UI Tags Example</title> <s:head/> </head> <body> <s:actionerror/> <s:actionmessage/> <s:fielderror /> <s:form action="exampleSubmit" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" tooltipConfig="#{'jsTooltipEnabled':'true'}"> <s:textfield label="Name" name="name" tooltip="Enter your Name here" /> <s:datepicker tooltip="Select Your Birthday" label="Birthday" name="birthday" /> <s:textarea tooltip="Enter your Biography" label="Biograph" name="bio" cols="20" rows="3"/> <s:select tooltip="Choose Your Favourite Color" label="Favorite Color" list="{'Red', 'Blue', 'Green'}" name="favoriteColor" emptyOption="true" headerKey="None" headerValue="None"/> <s:select tooltip="Choose Your Favourite Language" label="Favourite Language" list="favouriteLanguages" name="favouriteLanguage" listKey="key" listValue="description" emptyOption="true" headerKey="None" headerValue="None"/> <s:checkboxlist tooltip="Choose your Friends" label="Friends" list="{'Patrick', 'Jason', 'Jay', 'Toby', 'Rene'}" name="friends"/> <s:checkbox tooltip="Confirmed that your are Over 18" label="Age 18+" name="legalAge"/> <s:doubleselect tooltip="Choose Your State" label="State" name="region" list="{'North', 'South'}" value="'South'" doubleValue="'Florida'" doubleList="top == 'North' ? {'Oregon', 'Washington'} : {'Texas', 'Florida'}" doubleName="state" headerKey="-1" headerValue="---------- Please Select ----------" emptyOption="true" /> <s:doubleselect tooltip="Choose your Vehical" label="Favourite Vehical" name="favouriteVehicalType" list="vehicalTypeList" listKey="key" listValue="description" value="'MotorcycleKey'" doubleValue="'YamahaKey'" doubleList="vehicalSpecificList" doubleListKey="key" doubleListValue="description" doubleName="favouriteVehicalSpecific" headerKey="-1" headerValue="---------- Please Select ----------" emptyOption="true" /> <s:file tooltip="Upload Your Picture" label="Picture" name="picture" /> <s:optiontransferselect tooltip="Select Your Favourite Cartoon Characters" label="Favourite Cartoons Characters" name="leftSideCartoonCharacters" leftTitle="Left Title" rightTitle="Right Title" list="{'Popeye', 'He-Man', 'Spiderman'}" multiple="true" headerKey="headerKey" headerValue="--- Please Select ---" emptyOption="true" doubleList="{'Superman', 'Mickey Mouse', 'Donald Duck'}" doubleName="rightSideCartoonCharacters" doubleHeaderKey="doubleHeaderKey" doubleHeaderValue="--- Please Select ---" doubleEmptyOption="true" doubleMultiple="true" /> <s:textarea label="Your Thougths" name="thoughts" tooltip="Enter your thoughts here" /> <s:submit onclick="alert('aaaa');" /> <s:reset onclick="alert('bbbb');" /> </s:form> </body> </html>
例6 example.jsp

<action name="example" class="org.apache.struts2.showcase.UITagExample"> <result>example.jsp</result> <result name="input">example.jsp</result> </action>