技术开发 频道

Ruby Development 五大基本武器

2、A good IDE or TextEditer

    Ruby到现在来说除了在Mac平台上有TextMate这个公认的好IDE之外仿佛没有什么公认的如vs.net之与dotnet一样的killer app啊。原作者给列出来了一部分,不过除了RADRails这个我用之外,其他的都不怎么care,或者说感觉不出来怎么好用,所以直接把他的考过来,大家看看。只有radrails我谈谈,其他的列出来,然后在附加两个我感觉比较好用的ruby ide。

RADRails 是我感觉中应该是第一个跨平台的,开源的专门针对ruby开发的ide。radrails不要被他的名字所迷惑哦,他除了是专门开发ror的application,对ruby程序的开发也是超级好的。另外我比较喜欢他的rails perspective还有dada perspective,尤其是data的那个,仿佛是针对rails项目做的专用的数据库ide,超级好用。对于generate,scaffold ,controller等的生成也是很好用的。包块对服务器的开启和关闭,程序的调试都是全方位的IDE,可以算得上一个企业级的ruby ide。

Click to enlarge

Figure 1. RADRails In Action

Like RADRails, jEdit is an open source, cross-platform IDE. Unlike RADRails, it isn't Ruby-specific at all. It is a general programmer's text editor. What earns jEdit a spot on this list is its "Ruby Editor Plugin," a plugin that adds a number of Ruby- (and Rails-) specific abilities to the editor, including syntax and error highlighting, integrated documentation, and auto-indentation (see Figure 2).

Click to enlarge

Figure 2. jEdit and the Ruby Editor Plugin

Find more information about the Ruby Editor Plugin at rubyjedit.org.

Ruby In Steel
Ruby In Steel is a professional-grade Ruby IDE for Microsoft Visual Studio (MSVS) 2005. It features not only code completion, but also full Microsoft-style IntelliSense features on Ruby code (see Figure 3). While it's not cheap ($199US), a free limited-feature edition and a free thirty-day trial make Ruby In Steel appealing to new Ruby developers who particularly appreciate the MSVS IDE.

这个IDE我个人用过,感觉不是很好用。他是商业软件,提供了一个功能受限的体验版本。安装它之后会在每次开启vs2005的时候先弹出他的框,很恶心人。不过作为一个利用vs2005来实现code completion的想法是不错。现在我也发现了一块免费的实现这个的软件,一会介绍以下。

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Figure 3. Ruby In Steel

TextMate is an editor available only on Mac OS X. Its use by most of the core team of Rails developers has led to its strong adoption among OS X-based Ruby developers. Like jEdit, TextMate is a general programmer's text editor with a significant number of available Ruby-specific extensions. Depending on the current exchange rate, TextMate costs approximately $50US. TextMate's developer, Allan Odgaard, has been helping another developer produce a Windows clone called E (a.k.a. E-TextEditor).




RoRED是用dephi写的轻量型的ruby on rails的ide,用起来感觉十分轻便也很好用。具体的功能和前面的差不多,不过他在windows下面可是不像前面那几位那种需要这这那那的平台支持的。他的速度很快,语法高亮,自动完成宏的功能豆还不错,个人感觉适合个人练习时候使用。这里有对RoRED的详细介绍http://www.rubyinside.com/rored-a-new-ruby-rails-ide-for-windows-153.html 。另外大家可以去http://www.plasmacode.com/ 他的官方网站下载试用。

EclipseDLTK Ruby

这个是刚刚出来的,今天刚刚试用了,感觉超级酷的,因为他支持和vs.net2005那种自动完成提示,这个可是梦想的功能啊。从名字可以看出来,他是基于eclipse开发的。大家安装可以通过eclipse的update center来进行,需要的只是添加一个源,地址是:http://download.eclipse.org/technology/dltk/updates/1.0/site-interim.xml 。详细安装说明在http://www.eclipsezone.com/eclipse/forums/t92525.rhtml 。项目的首页在http://www.eclipsedltk.org/ 。
