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  【IT168 技术】阅读《各种图像处理类库的比较及选择(The Comparison of Image Processing Libraries)》对后面的比较结果感觉怪异。对计算密集型运算,C#和C/C++的性能应该差别不大才是。为了探讨问题,做了以下实验。


  (1)EmguCV实现,见 《各种图像处理类库的比较及选择(The Comparison of Image Processing Libraries)》 文中代码

  (2)OpenCV/PInvoke实现,见 《各种图像处理类库的比较及选择(The Comparison of Image Processing Libraries)》 文中代码

  (3)BitmapData实现,见 《各种图像处理类库的比较及选择(The Comparison of Image Processing Libraries)》 文中代码


  (每一个)ImageChannel8 内含1个Byte数组Data。GrayscaleImage8 继承自 ImageChannel8 。

public class ArgbImage8 : ImageChannelSet8
public ImageChannel8 A { get { return this.Channels[0]; } }
public ImageChannel8 R { get { return this.Channels[0]; } }
public ImageChannel8 G { get { return this.Channels[0]; } }
public ImageChannel8 B { get { return this.Channels[0]; } }

public ArgbImage8(int width, int height)
            : base(
4, width, height)

public GrayscaleImage8 ToGrayscaleImage()
            return ToGrayscaleImage(
0.299, 0.587, 0.114);

public GrayscaleImage8 ToGrayscaleImage(double rCoeff, double gCoeff, double bCoeff)
            GrayscaleImage8 img
= new GrayscaleImage8(this.Width, this.Height);
Byte[] r = R.Data;
Byte[] g = G.Data;
Byte[] b = B.Data;
Byte[] dst = img.Data;

for (int i = 0; i < r.Length; i++)
= (Byte)(r[i] * rCoeff + g[i] * gCoeff + b[i] * bCoeff);

            return img;

public static ArgbImage8 CreateFromBitmap(Bitmap map)
if (map == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("map");

            ArgbImage8 img
= new ArgbImage8(map.Width, map.Height);
Byte[] a = img.A.Data;
Byte[] r = img.R.Data;
Byte[] g = img.G.Data;
Byte[] b = img.B.Data;

for (int row = 0; row < img.Height; row++)
for (int col = 0; col < img.Width; col++)
int index = row * img.Width + col;
                    Color c
= map.GetPixel(col, row);
= c.A;
= c.R;
= c.R;
= c.R;

            return img;

5)C# 指针/unsafe 实现(ArgbImage32 ),核心代码如下:

public class UnmanagedMemory<T> : IDisposable
        where T : struct
public Int32 ByteCount { get; private set; }
public Int32 Length { get; private set; }
public IntPtr Start { get; private set; }
public Int32 SizeOfType { get; private set; }

public UnmanagedMemory(Int32 length)
= length;
= SizeOfT();
= SizeOfType * length;
= Marshal.AllocHGlobal(ByteCount);

public void Dispose()

        protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (false == disposed)
= true;

private bool disposed;


private Int32 SizeOfT()
            return Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(T));

public struct Argb32
public Byte Alpha;
public Byte Red;
public Byte Green;
public Byte Blue;

public class Argb32Image : UnmanagedMemory<Argb32>
private unsafe Argb32* m_pointer;

public unsafe Argb32* Pointer { get { return m_pointer; } }

public unsafe Argb32Image(int length)
            : base(length)
= (Argb32*)this.Start;

public unsafe Argb32 this[int index]
get { return *(m_pointer + index); }
set { *(m_pointer + index) = value; }

public Grayscale8Image ToGrayscaleImage()
            return ToGrayscaleImage(
0.299, 0.587, 0.114);

public unsafe Grayscale8Image ToGrayscaleImage(double rCoeff, double gCoeff, double bCoeff)
            Grayscale8Image img
= new Grayscale8Image(this.Length);
* p = Pointer;
Byte* to = img.Pointer;
* end = p + Length;

while (p != end)
*to = (Byte)(p->Red * rCoeff + p->Green * gCoeff + p->Blue * bCoeff);
            return img;

public unsafe static Argb32Image CreateFromBitmap(Bitmap map)
if (map == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("map");

            Argb32Image img
= new Argb32Image(map.Width*map.Height);

* p = img.Pointer;

for (int row = 0; row < map.Height; row++)
for (int col = 0; col < map.Width; col++)
                    Color c
= map.GetPixel(col, row);
->Alpha = c.A;
->Red = c.R;
->Green = c.G;
->Blue = c.B;

            return img;