技术开发 频道


  【IT168 文档】1、这个开源的框架只需要有一个J2SE5.0就行了不需要其他的JAR支持。我从它的官网上面下载了两个JAR一个是其核心JAR包xSocket (core).下载地址是:http://sourceforge.net/projects/xsocket/files/xsocket%202.x/2.7.2/xSocket-2.7.2.jar/download    另外一个JAR包是:xSocket multiplexed下载地址是http://sourceforge.net/projects/xsocket/files/xsocket%202.x%20-%20multiplexed/2.1.5/xSocket-multiplexed-2.1.5.jar/download (这个JAR包比较小)


  Data will be read and written by using a IBlockingConnection or a INonblockingConnection object (数据的读写是通过这两个对象实现的!)


  1. a simple tcp/delimiter-based server example

  First, define the handler class which implements the desired handler interface e.g. IDataHandler, IConnectHandler, IIdleTimeoutHandler or IConnectionTimeoutHandler. The DataHandler will be called if data has been received for a connection (which will be passed over).


  IDataHandler, IConnectHandler, IIdleTimeoutHandler or IConnectionTimeoutHandler EX:

class EchoHandler implements IDataHandler {
  public boolean onData(INonBlockingConnection nbc)
throws IOException,            
MaxReadSizeExceededException {
     String data
= nbc.readStringByDelimiter("\r\n");
+ "\r\n");
return true;

  定义了事件处理方法之后就可以写一个服务了。这个就跟Python里面的RPYC是一样的即定义好一个回调事件处理方法之后就可以进行定义好server对象了!  EX:

public static void main(String[] args) { 
       try {
            InetAddress address = InetAddress.getByName("localhost");
            IServer srv
= new Server(address,8090,new EchoHandler());
catch (Exception e){


   2. Semantic of the DataHandler's onData method

  the onData method can also be called without receiving new network packets, as long as xSocket's internal read buffer is not empty.

  即这个方法不光是说当接收到一个新的网络包的时候会调用而且如果有新的缓存存在的时候也会被调用。而且The onData will also be called, if the connection is closed当连接被关闭的时候也会被调用的!

  3. Writing a blocking client

  IBlockingConnection bc = new BlockingConnection(host, port);

  String req = "Hello server";bc.write(req + "\r\n"); // read the whole logical part by waiting (blocking) until // the required data have been receivedString res = bc.readStringByDelimiter("\r\n"); assert (req.equals(res));IBlockingConnection:这个的话就是不支持事件回调处理机制的!

  4. Writing a non-blocking client

  By performing the a BlockingConnection's read method, the method call blocks until data has been received or a time out has been occurred

  (刚才我试过了 把服务器输出 的数据格式与客房端上传的数据格式不一样导致了 客户端一直在阻塞状态了直到设置的超时值才停止。这样感觉好像不太好。要一直等)非阻塞的客户端是能够支持事件处理的方法的。即如果从网络通道中没有取到想要的数据就会自动退出程序

public class ClientMain {
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
            IDataHandler clientHandler
= new IDataHandler() {
public boolean onData(INonBlockingConnection nbc) throws IOException,BufferUnderflowException,MaxReadSizeExceededException {
                    String res
= nbc.readStringByDelimiter("\r\n");
return true;
            INonBlockingConnection nbc = new NonBlockingConnection("localhost",8090,clientHandler);
"hello" + "\r\n");
catch (Exception e) {


INonBlockingConnection nbc = ...  //构造出来一个非阻塞对象
// wrapping an existing non-blocking connection by a BlockingConnection
IBlockingConnection bc = new BlockingConnection(nbc);//得到一个阻塞对象即实现一个非阻塞对象转换成一个阻塞对象!


  6. Wrap a non-blocking connection on the server-side

  Typically the onConnect() method will be used to create a BlockingConnection on the server-side.

class ConnectHandler implements IConnectHandler {
public boolean onConnect(INonBlockingConnection nbc) throws IOException {
      IBlockingConnection bc
= new BlockingConnection(nbc);
      return true;   }

  7. Handling connect


public boolean onConnect(INonBlockingConnection nbc) throws IOException {
//... e.g. open resources
        return true;

  通常是能够在这个方法里面去做 checks based on the new connection, to modifiy connection properties, to prepare resources, to set up backend connections or to write greeting messages即当建立完连接之后可以进行的一些相关操作处理。包括修改连接属性、准备资源、等!

  8. Handling disconnect


  需要实现 IDisconnectHandler 这个接口

  A disconnect occurs in three ways:

  • the client-side initiates the disconnect by active closing the connection. In this case the onDisconnect method will be called immediately
  • the connection breaks or the peer disconnects improperly and the Java VM detects the broken connection. In this case the onDisconnect method will be called, when the broken connection is detected
  • the connection breaks or the peer disconnects improperly and the JavaVM doesn't detect the broken connection. In this case the onDisconnect method will not be called. To handle this scenario the handler should implement the IIdleTimeoutHandler and/or IConnectionTimeoutHandler interface.(如果有一些异常没有办法探测到的话就要考虑走超时机制了!)


  9. Asynchronous Connect

