【IT168 技术文章】
Total Metrics为国际知名FP服务提供商,其功能点计数和需求管理工具“SCOPE”将为中国企业实施基于功能点的估算和项目管理提供有力支撑。SCOPE不仅使企业能面对每个需求和项目变更进行详细的功能点计算,而且能保持功能点统计的自动更新。SCOPE还有一种快捷的功能度量方法,这种快速FP评估模型可以使中国企业:
Graphically models and sizes software functionality at all stages of development from planning through to production.
Reports the functional size of sub-systems, releases, and ‘what-if’ scenarios for input into project estimates of cost, resources and duration.
Provides a quantitative audit trail of functional changes to each software function over time; mapping change to a specific change request, release and/or project.
Tracks and measures project 're-work' and scope variations for input into pricing negotiations.
Collects mandatory project attributes for productivity comparisons and automatic submission to the International Software Benchmarking Standards Groups (ISBSG) Project Repository.
Total Metrics已经用这种快捷的方法来度量企业过程性能超过10年之久,特别是在合同谈判阶段,已经被公认为是业内非常准确、有效的项目估算和范围管理支撑工具。