技术开发 频道

C# Winform操作数据库的MVC模式样例代码


using System;

 namespace MVC


 public class Book


 // declare a delegate for the bookpricechanged event

 public delegate void BookPriceChangedHandler(objectsender,

 BookPriceChangedEventArgs e);

 // declare the bookpricechanged event using the bookpricechangeddelegate

 public event BookPriceChangedHandlerBookPriceChanged;

 // instance variable for book price

 object _bookPrice;

 // property for book price

 public object BookPrice




 // set the instance variable


 // the price changed so fire the event!




 // method to fire price canged event delegate with proper name

 // this is the method our observers should be implenting!

 protected void OnBookPriceChanged()


 BookPriceChanged(this, new BookPriceChangedEventArgs(_bookPrice));




