技术开发 频道


【IT168 技术文章】


    1. 和架构相关的几个问题域


    A 系统目标:系统性能,稳定性.




    2. 什么是架构


    That's like asking, what is culture? Culture is the way you do things in a group of people. Architecture is the way you do things in a software product. You could argue by analogy, then, that architecture is to a software product as culture is to a team. It is how that team has established and chosen its conventions,

    Which leads us inevitably to the question of “goodness”? How do you know if an architecture is good? Consider an architecture that isn't built using a strong domain model, and instead relies heavily on stored procedures. That might be OK, or it might not be OK. You could have decided that part of your architecture is to use a really strong domain model and not use stored procedures, right? So an architecture is some reasonable regularity about the structure of the system, the way the team goes about building its software, and how the software responds and adapts to its own environment. How well the architecture responds and adapts, and how well it goes through that construction process, is a measure of whether that architecture is any good.

    The system architecture determines how hard or easy it is to implement a given feature. Good architectures are those in which it is considered easy to create the features desired. In that the way to judge whether an architecture is good is whether the architecture is good for the purposes to which it is applied.

    The definition of goodness has to be related to fitness for purpose. Is this glove good? I don't know. What are you doing with the glove? Are you throwing snowballs, cooking barbeques, or playing golf? There's a set of changes that are going to occur to a software system over time. Probably the utilitarian or most useful definition of goodness is the answer to this question: are the changes that will keep this system successful in this domain in this product line relatively easy? If they are, then it's probably a good architecture.

    3. 架构的背后


    1) 技术对开发效率和运行性能,以及组织和过程的影响。


    在第一个实现版本里,XML映射文件的DTD太简单,致使一个xml文件至少在4000行左右,同时xml文件太verbose了。这样的结果直接导致运行系统在峰值时,由于XML消耗了大量内存,1G的内存根本吃不消;同时对XML解析执行使用了CPU的大量时间;导致开发人员需要做大量的工作,开发效率降低了,通常需要尽一周才能完成一个xml文件,员工都不愿意做;也导致开发过程的漫长, 开发部门对于BA部门和ST部门的要求反应变的缓慢。



    2) 组织结构对技术,开发效率和应变能力的影响。



    3) 过程对开发效率和应变能力,以及组织的影响



