技术开发 频道


【IT168 技术文章】

    4 Issues in Requirements Elicitation


    Eliciting requirements need not be like pulling teeth … but sometimes it is. The problem is lack of preparation by the software engineer and lack of interest by the organization or person requesting the work. One would think that the customer would be very interested, since the software to be built solves a problem that the customer has. But often, the customer expects the developer to "know" and has little interest in spending time doing "computer stuff." A mistake, no doubt, but reality none the less. One can use the Requirements Elicitation Success Measurement checklist to identify where your project stands as far as the success of the requirements elicitation is concerned. For this checklist, the more questions that elicit a negative response, the higher the risk that the requirements elicitation will fail.

    需求捕获不象是拔牙…但也比较类似。常见的问题是,软件工程师缺乏准备,同时需要该产品的组织或个人缺乏兴趣。一般大家都会认为客户会对产品很感兴趣,因为该产品会解决客户面临的问题。但通常客户希望开发人员已经知道相关知识或不愿意耗费时间为软件产品提供基础材料。无疑,这些观点是错误的 ,但是客观存在的。可以使用需求捕获列表来验证你的项目在需求捕获方面进展如何。在这个列表中,越多问题的答案是否定的,那么需求捕获失败的可能性就越高。

    Requirements engineering consists of activities like requirements elicitation, specification and validation.


    The hardest single part of building a software system is deciding what to build… … No other part of the work so cripples the resulting system, if done wrong. No other part is more difficult to rectify later.


    Issues involved in this problem area include:1. Achieving requirements completeness without unnecessarily constraining the system design 2. Analysis and validation difficulty 3 Changing requirements over time





    Many requirements errors are passed undetected to the later stages of the life cycle and correcting those errors during or after implementation phase is found to be extremely costly.


    Problems of RE can be grouped into three categories:。 Problems of scope, in which requirements may address too little or too much information。 Problems of understanding o Users have incomplete understanding of their needs o Analysts have poor knowledge of problem domain o Ease of omitting “obvious” information o Conflicting views of different users o Vague and un-testable requirements e.g. “user friendly” & “robust”

    Problems of volatility i.e. changing/evolving nature of requirements






    Elicitation techniques need to be broad enough to establish the boundary conditions for the target system, and yet focus on creation of requirements as opposed to design activities. RE must begin with an organizational and contextual analysis to determine the objectives and boundary of the target system. Avoiding contextual issues may result in incomplete, unusable and un-verifiable requirements.


    Elicitation must focus on creation of requirements, not design activities in order to adequately address the users‘ concerns. Focus on broader design activities improperly emphasizes developers’ issues over users‘ needs and may result in poor requirements. Requirements in the form of high-level design run the risk of being un-verifiable by the user, as user might not understand the design language. There are at least three broad contexts concerned to RE:


    Organization o Submitters of the input to the target system o Users of the output of target system o Ways in which target system will change the organization’s means of doing business


    Environment o Hardware and software constraints imposed on the target system o Maturity of target system‘s domain o Certainty of the target system’s interfaces to the larger system o The target system‘s role within a larger system





    Project o Attributes of different stakeholders e.g. management style, domain/computer experience o Constraints imposed e.g. cost, quality, timelines, etc.



    5 Requirements Elicitation Process


    Following process graph shows the “should-be” RE process, which was created during a sample requirements elicitation process study. This gives a bird‘s eye view of the proposed business process model, which is a refined RE process.


