技术开发 频道



  Connie曾在欧美食品、电信和计算机等跨国公司从事人力资源各领域工作近15年。专长于薪资和福利的设计和实施 ,经理人员的培训与发展,企业接班人项目的设计和实施。

  Connie 毕业于上海医科大学,获得医学学士学位。

  Ms Kang is HR director for Microsoft China. She provides HR partnership and consultation to the business groups operating in PRC which includes HR strategic planning, people management, workforce planning and recruitment, talent management and movement, compensation, staff training and development.

  Before joining the Microsoft, she served in various multinational companies in food, IT and other technology industries for almost 15 years.  She has specialised in designing and implementing compensation and benefits plans, management training and development, succession planning and implementation.

  Ms Kang received her medical degree from Shanghai Medical University.
