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private void LoadImagesFromAssembly( string assemblyPath ) { // Try to load the assembly at the specified location. Assembly assembly = this.LoadAssembly( assemblyPath, true ); if( assembly == null ) return; this.currentAssembly = assembly; // Dispose of the images currently being displayed, if any. if( this.bindingSource.DataSource != null ) foreach( ImageInfo imgInfo in this.bindingSource.DataSource as List<ImageInfo> ) imgInfo.Dispose(); // Bind to a list of every image embedded in the assembly. this.bindingSource.DataSource = this.ExtractImagesFromAssembly( this.currentAssembly ); }
  如上, ImageGrabberForm 用BindingSource组件存储图片供数据绑定. BindingNavigator, DataGridView, PropertyGrid 和PictureBox都绑定到这一数据源,就可以相当简单地在各UI元素间保持一致.

  从assembly中提取图片的实际工作是在ExtractImagesFromAssembly 方法中:
private List<ImageInfo> ExtractImagesFromAssembly( Assembly assembly ) { List<ImageInfo> imageInfos = new List<ImageInfo>(); foreach( string name in assembly.GetManifestResourceNames() ) { using( Stream stream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream( name ) ) { // Treat the resource as an icon. try { Icon icon = new Icon( stream ); imageInfos.Add( new ImageInfo( icon, name ) ); continue; } catch( ArgumentException ) { stream.Position = 0; } // Treat the resource as a cursor. try { Cursor cursor = new Cursor( stream ); imageInfos.Add( new ImageInfo( cursor, name ) ); continue; } catch( ArgumentException ) { stream.Position = 0; } // Treat the resource as an image. try { Image image = Image.FromStream( stream ); // If the image is an animated GIF, do not add it to the // collection because the Image class cannot handle them and // will throw an exception when the image is displayed. FrameDimension frameDim = new FrameDimension( image.FrameDimensionsList[0] ); bool isAnimatedGif = image.GetFrameCount( frameDim ) > 1; if( !isAnimatedGif ) imageInfos.Add( new ImageInfo( image, name ) ); else image.Dispose(); continue; } catch( ArgumentException ) { stream.Position = 0; } // Treat the resource as a resource file. try { // The embedded resource in the stream is not an image, so // read it into a ResourceReader and extract the values // from there. using( IResourceReader reader = new ResourceReader( stream ) ) { foreach( DictionaryEntry entry in reader ) { if( entry.Value is Icon ) { imageInfos.Add( new ImageInfo( entry.Value, name ) ); } else if( entry.Value is Image ) { imageInfos.Add( new ImageInfo( entry.Value, name ) ); } else if( entry.Value is ImageListStreamer ) { // Load an ImageList with the ImageListStreamer and // store a reference to every image it contains. using( ImageList imageList = new ImageList() ) { imageList.ImageStream = entry.Value as ImageListStreamer; foreach( Image image in imageList.Images ) imageInfos.Add( new ImageInfo( image, name ) ); } } } } } catch( Exception ) { } } } return imageInfos; }
  上面的代码在assembly中为每个已命名资源都打开一个流,然后依次尝试从流中创建图标Icon, (失败的话创建)光标Cursor, (失败的话创建)图片Image, 全部失败的话通过System.Resources.ResourceReader读取内容. 这个resource reader可以把图片,图标和ImageList中的图片从资源文件.resx中提取出来. ImageInfo类是用来存取图片及其辅助信息的.