技术开发 频道



// created on 20.10.2001 at 18:04 //This example has 2 classes //1. MyFilter, which exposes the IMesageFilter interface //The PreFilterMessage method is overriden for our needs //2. MainForm, which is our main form using System; using System.Windows.Forms; class MyFilter:IMessageFilter //gets the left mouse button messages { public bool PreFilterMessage(ref Message m) { if (m.Msg>=513 && m.Msg<=515) { Console.WriteLine("mouse left button event NOT accepted!Filter working..."); return(true); } return(false); } } class MainForm : Form { private Button btn=new Button(); public MainForm() //MainForm's constructor { //let's put a button on the form btn.Left=30; btn.Top=30; btn.Width=150; btn.Text="Try to Click me!"; btn.Visible=true; this.Controls.Add(btn); } public static void Main() { //let's put some filter on our Application's message queue Application.AddMessageFilter(new MyFilter()); //create the MainForm object and make it visible Application.Run(new MainForm()); } }