技术开发 频道

Python与C++ 程序的简单实例对比

  【IT168 技术文档】一位网友正在学校做课程设计题目,要求在一个文件中找到给定单词出现的位置并统计出现次数。这是一个比较简单的文本处理问题, 于是, 我给他用 python 写了一个,并打赌在5分钟内用不到30行程序解决问题。


  if __name__=='__main__':   file_name = raw_input('Input the file you want to find in:')   try:   in_file = open(file_name,'r')   lines = in_file.readlines()   tag_tok = ''   while tag_tok.upper() != 'Q':   tag_tok = raw_input('Input the word you want to find(Q for quit):')   if tag_tok.upper() != 'Q':   count = 0   line_no = 0   for line in lines:   line_no = line_no + 1   inline_cnt = line.count(tag_tok)   count = count + inline_cnt   if inline_cnt > 0:   print 'Find %s %d time(s) in line :%d'%(tag_tok,inline_cnt,line_no)   print line   print '---------------------------------'   print 'Total fount %s %d time(s)'%(tag_tok, count)   except:   print "Can't open file %s"%(file_name)

  但是,这个网友还不满足非要一个 C++的程序,理由是他们老师不会python , 正好我也想试试用C++解决和python做下对比:

  #include   #include   #include   #include   #include   using namespace std;   int BruteFind(const char *x, int m, const char *y, int n ,vector& colpos) {   int i, j, cnt=0;   /* Searching */   for (j = 0; j <= n - m; ++j) {   for (i = 0; i < m && x == y[i + j]; ++i);   if (i >= m){   colpos[cnt++] = j;   if(cnt == colpos.size())   colpos.resize(cnt * 2);   }   }   return cnt;   }   int count_string(string source, string tag, vector& colpos){   int find_cnt = 0;   find_cnt = BruteFind(tag.c_str(), tag.size(), source.c_str(),source.size(),colpos);   return find_cnt;   }   int main(){   string file_name, line;   vector lines;   lines.resize(10);   cout << "Input the file name:";   cin >> file_name;   ifstream in_file;   try{   in_file.open(file_name.c_str());   if(!in_file)   throw(file_name);   }   catch(string file_name){   cout << "Fatal error: File not found."<   exit(1);   }   int line_count = 0;   do{   getline(in_file, lines[line_count]);   line_count ++;   if(line_count == lines.size()){   lines.resize(line_count * 2);   }   }while(in_file.eof()==0);   string tag_tok;   vector colpos;   colpos.resize(10);   do{   cout << "Input the word you want to find(Q for quit):";   cin >> tag_tok;   if(tag_tok == "Q"){   break;   }   int count = 0, line_no = 0 , inline_count;   for(line_no = 0 ;line_no < line_count ; line_no++){   inline_count = count_string(lines[line_no], tag_tok, colpos);   count += inline_count;   if(inline_count > 0){   cout << "Find " << tag_tok << " " << inline_count << " time(s) in line " << line_no ;   cout << " , column pos is ( ";   for(int i = 0 ;i< inline_count ;i++){   cout << colpos << ' ';   }   cout << " )" << endl;   cout << lines[line_no] << endl;   }   }   cout << "--------------------------------" <   cout << "Total fount " << tag_tok << " " << count << " time(s)" << endl;   }while(tag_tok != "Q");   in_file.close();   return 0;   }



  Python 5 分钟 22行

  C++ 30 分钟 60多行

  从这个简单的例子中可以大体看到 脚本语言与C++语言中在开发时的差异了。
