技术开发 频道

S60 Python 编程指南——蓝牙连接

  【IT168 技术文档】创建一个应用程序能够让手机通过蓝牙连接到你PC。这个程序能够在手机上书写,并能在PC上接收到。

  1、你需要使用 socket module :




  # Copyright (c) 2005 Jurgen Scheible   # script that connects to the serial port of the PC   # and lets you send characters to the PC   import appuifw   import socket   import e32   def bt_connect():   global sock   sock=socket.socket(socket.AF_BT,socket.SOCK_STREAM)   target=''   if not target:   address,services=socket.bt_discover()   print "Discovered: %s, %s"%(address,services)   if len(services)>1:   import appuifw   choices=services.keys()   choices.sort()   choice=appuifw.popup_menu([unicode(services[x])+": "+x   for x in choices],u'Choose port:')   target=(address,services[choices[choice]])   else:   target=(address,services.values()[0])   print "Connecting to "+str(target)   sock.connect(target)   print "OK."   bt_typetext()   def bt_typetext():   global sock   test = appuifw.query(u"Type words", "text", u"")   if test == None:   exit_key_handler()   else:   sock.send(test)   bt_typetext()   def exit_key_handler():   script_lock.signal()   appuifw.app.set_exit()   appuifw.app.title = u"bt mob to PC"   script_lock = e32.Ao_lock()   appuifw.app.exit_key_handler = exit_key_handler()   bt_connect()   script_lock.wait()


  # Copyright (c) 2005 Jurgen Scheible   # script that connects to the serial port of the PC   # and lets you send characters to the PC   import appuifw   # import the module socket   import socket   import e32   # function that handles the bluetooth connection:   def bt_connect():   global sock   # create a bluetooth socket   sock=socket.socket(socket.AF_BT,socket.SOCK_STREAM)   target=''# here you can give the bt address of the other mobile if you know it   if not target:   # scan for bluetooth devices   address,services=socket.bt_discover()   print "Discovered: %s, %s"%(address,services)   if len(services)>1:   choices=services.keys()   choices.sort()   # bring up a popup menu and show the available bt devices for selection   choice=appuifw.popup_menu([unicode(services[x])+": "+x   for x in choices],u'Choose port:')   target=(address,services[choices[choice]])   else:   target=(address,services.values()[0])   print "Connecting to "+str(target)   # connect to the serial port of the PC   sock.connect(target)   print "OK."   # call the text input field function   bt_typetext()   # define the textinput function   def bt_typetext():   global sock   # create the text input field   test = appuifw.query(u"Type words", "text", u"")   # if cancel has been pressed, then quit the application otherwise send the character over bluetooth   if test == None:   exit_key_handler()   else:   # send the typed in characters over bluetooth to the PC   sock.send(test)   # call again the textinput field function to show the text input again   bt_typetext()   def exit_key_handler():   script_lock.signal()   appuifw.app.set_exit()   appuifw.app.title = u"bt mob to PC"   script_lock = e32.Ao_lock()   appuifw.app.exit_key_handler = exit_key_handler()   # call the function that handles the bluetooth connection   bt_connect()   script_lock.wait()



  鼠标右键点击蓝牙图标 -> 通信 -> 超级终端

  选择选项标签,确定”Turn discovery on”被选择

  选择 COM 端口标签,确定COM端口“连入”为可用,如果没有,创建一个新的COM端口

  Create a Hyper terminal:

  got to Accessories -> Communications -> Hyperterminal

  give a name and choose an icon, press ok, then choose in the “connect using” field the COM port of your “incoming port”, press ok

  make the Hyper teminal active by clicking the “call” button.

  start now the python script on the phone.
