技术开发 频道

Ext 2.0使用:组件开发模式

【IT168技术文档】Ext 2.0中取消了组件的构造方法,你完全可以在initComponent中执行自己的构造逻辑。假如开发过
比如我们需要一个显示用户信息的Grid,那么在Ext 2.0中可以更加方便的实现。
1/**//** 2 * @author Terry 3 */ 4 5EasyNet.UserGrid = Ext.extend(Ext.grid.GridPanel, { 6 serviceURL: '', 7 loadMask: { 8 msg: '加载用户信息' 9 }, 10 viewConfig: { 11 forceFit: true 12 }, 13 14 initComponent: function(){ 15 var url = this.serviceURL; 16 17 this.store = new Ext.data.Store({ 18 proxy: new Ext.data.HttpProxy({ 19 url: url + '/QueryUser' 20 }), 21 baseParams: { 22 fields: '*', 23 filter: 'Status=1' 24 }, 25 reader: new Ext.data.XmlReaderEx({ 26 root: 'User', 27 totalRecords: 'Count', 28 record: 'UserData', 29 id: 'ID' 30 }, [ 31 {name: 'LoginName', mapping: 'LoginName'}, 32 {name: 'UserName', mapping: 'UserName'}, 33 {name: 'Sex', type: 'int', mapping: 'Sex'}, 34 {name: 'RegDate', type: 'date', format: 'Y-m-d', mapping: 'RegDate'} 35 ]) 36 }); 37 38 this.cm = new Ext.grid.ColumnModel([{ 39 header: '登录名称', 40 dataIndex: 'LoginName' 41 },{ 42 header: '用户名称', 43 dataIndex: 'UserName' 44 }, { 45 header: '用户姓名', 46 dataIndex: 'UserName' 47 }, { 48 header: '性别', 49 dataIndex: 'Sex', 50 renderer: function(v, params, data){ 51 if(v == 1){ 52 return ''; 53 } 54 55 return ''; 56 } 57 }, { 58 header: '注册时间', 59 dataIndex: 'RegDate' 60 }]); 61 62 this.cm.defaultSortable = true; 63 64 var searchBtn = new Ext.Button({ 65 text: '查找' 66 }); 67 var delBtn = new Ext.Button({ 68 text: '删除' 69 }); 70 71 searchBtn.on('click', this.onSearch, this); 72 delBtn.on('click', this.onDelete, this); 73 74 this.tbar = [searchBtn, delBtn]; 75 76 var store = this.store; 77 78 this.bbar = new Ext.PagingToolbarEx({ 79 store: store, 80 displayMsg: '显示用户信息 {0} - {1} / {2}', 81 emptyMsg: '没有用户信息', 82 paramNames: { 83 start: 'pageIndex', 84 limit: 'pageSize' 85 } 86 }); 87 88 EasyNet.UserGrid.superclass.initComponent.call(this); 89 }, 90 91 loadData: function(){ 92 var params = Ext.util.JSON.decode(Ext.util.JSON.encode(this.store.baseParams)); 93 params.pageIndex = 1; 94 params.pageSize = 20; 95 this.store.load({params: params}); 96 }, 97 98 onSearch: function(){ 99 if(!this.searchWindow){ 100 this.searchWindow = new EasyNet.SearchUserWindow({ 101 searchTo:this 102 }); 103 } 104 105 this.searchWindow.show(); 106 }, 107 108 onDelete: function(){ 109 var sls = this.getSelections(); 110 var count = sls.length; 111 112 if(count == 0){ 113 return; 114 } 115 116 var surl = this.serviceURL; 117 var grid = this; 118 119 Ext.Msg.show({ 120 title: '确认删除用户', 121 msg: '确实要删除所选用户吗?', 122 buttons: Ext.Msg.YESNO, 123 icon: Ext.Msg.WARNING, 124 fn: function(btn, text){ 125 if(btn == 'yes'){ 126 var filter = ''; 127 128 for(var i = 0; i < count; i ++){ 129 if(i == 0){ 130 filter = new String(sls[0].id); 131 } 132 else{ 133 filter = filter + ',' + sls[i].id; 134 } 135 } 136 137 var store = new Ext.data.Store({ 138 proxy: new Ext.data.HttpProxy({ 139 url: surl + '/DeleteUser' 140 }) 141 }); 142 143 store.load({params: {filter: 'ID IN(' + filter +')'}}); 144 grid.loadData(); 145 } 146 } 147 }); 148 } 149}); 150 151Ext.reg('easynetusergrid', EasyNet.UserGrid);
1/**//** 2 * @author Terry 3 */ 4 5EasyNet.SearchUserWindow = Ext.extend(Ext.Window, { 6 width: 350, 7 height: 250, 8 resizable: false, 9 layout: 'form', 10 plain: true, 11 bodyStyle: 'padding:5px;', 12 buttonAlign: 'right', 13 modal:true, 14 title: '查找用户', 15 closeAction: 'hide', 16 buttons: [{ 17 text: '确定' 18 }, { 19 text: '取消' 20 }], 21 22 initComponent: function(){ 23 this.items = [{ 24 layout: 'column', 25 baseCls: 'x-plain', 26 items: [{ 27 columnWidth:0.08, 28 layout: 'form', 29 baseCls: 'x-plain', 30 items: [{ 31 hideLabel: true, 32 xtype: 'checkbox', 33 name: 'ckLoginName' 34 }, { 35 hideLabel: true, 36 xtype: 'checkbox', 37 name: 'ckUserName' 38 }, { 39 hideLabel: true, 40 xtype: 'checkbox', 41 name: 'ckDate' 42 }] 43 }, { 44 columnWidth: 0.8, 45 layout: 'form', 46 baseCls: 'x-plain', 47 items: [{ 48 xtype: 'textfield', 49 fieldLabel: '登录名称', 50 emptyText: '登录名称', 51 maxLength: 50, 52 name: 'loginName' 53 }, { 54 xtype: 'textfield', 55 fieldLabel: '用户名称', 56 emptyText: '用户名称', 57 maxLength: 50, 58 name: 'userName' 59 }, { 60 xtype: 'datefield', 61 fieldLabel: '起始时间', 62 emptyText: '年-月-日', 63 format: 'Y-m-d', 64 width: 130, 65 name: 'bDate' 66 }, { 67 xtype: 'datefield', 68 fieldLabel: '起始时间', 69 emptyText: '年-月-日', 70 format: 'Y-m-d', 71 width: 130, 72 name: 'eDate' 73 }] 74 }] 75 }]; 76 77 Easy.SearchUserWindow.superclass.initComponent.call(this); 78 }, 79 80 onRender: function(ct, position){ 81 EasyNet.SearchUserWindow.superclass.onRender.call(this, ct, position); 82 this.buttons[0].on('click', this.onSearch, this); 83 this.buttons[1].on('click', this.onCancel, this); 84 85 }, 86 87 onSearch: function(){ 88 this.loadData(); 89 }, 90 91 onCancel: function(){ 92 if(this.closeAction == 'hide'){ 93 this.hide(); 94 } 95 else if(this.closeAction == 'close'){ 96 this.close(); 97 } 98 }, 99 100 getValue: function(){ 101 return { 102 ckLoginName: this.find('name', 'ckLoginName')[0].getValue(), 103 ckUserName: this.find('name', 'ckUserName')[0].getValue(), 104 loginName: this.find('name', 'loginName')[0].getValue(), 105 userName: this.find('name', 'userName')[0].getValue(), 106 bDate: this.find('name', 'bDate')[0].getValue(), 107 eDate: this.find('name', 'eDate')[0].getValue() 108 } 109 }, 110 111 getCondition: function(){ 112 var o = this.getValue(); 113 var filter ='Status=1'; 114 115 if(o.ckLoginName && o.LoginName != ''){ 116 filter += String.format(' AND LoginName LIKE \'%{0}%\'', o.loginName); 117 } 118 if(o.ckUserName && o.userName != ''){ 119 filter += String.format(' AND UserName LIKE \'%{0}%\'', o.userName); 120 } 121 if(o.ckDate && o.bDate != '' && o.eDate != '' && o.eDate >= o.bDate){ 122 filter += String.format(' AND RegDate BETWEEN \'{0}\' AND \'{1}\'', o.bDate, o.eDate); 123 } 124 125 return { 126 fields: '*', 127 filter: filter 128 } 129 }, 130 131 loadData: function(){ 132 if(this.searchTo){ 133 this.searchTo.store.baseParams = this.getCondition(); 134 this.searchTo.loadData(); 135 } 136 137 this.onCancel(); 138 } 139});

在实际应用中所有数据调用.Net写的Web Service取得。

