技术开发 频道


    【IT168 技术文档】工厂方法模式根据产品的等级结构使用对应的工厂来创建特定的产品,它一般包括抽象工厂、具体工厂和抽象产品、具体产品,每一个特定工厂用于创建一个对应的产品。模式的简易UML图例如下


    抽象方面FactoryMethodProtocol很简单只定义了抽象pointcut createMethod用于捕捉特定应用的创建方法(也可以省略)。


public abstract aspect FactoryMethodProtocol { abstract pointcut createMethod();} FactoryMethodImpl.java public aspect FactoryMethodImpl extends FactroyMethodProtocol{ public Fruit FruitGardener.factory(){//为创建接口定义工厂方法 return null; } //Inter-type声明具体创建类并实现创建接口 declare parents : AppleGardener implements FruitGardener; declare parents : GrapeGardener implements FruitGardener; //指定createMethod捕捉FruitGardener及其子类的创建方法 pointcut createMethod() : call(Fruit FruitGardener+.factory()); Fruit around(FruitGardener gardener) : target(gardener) && createMethod(){ return chooseGardener(gardener);//工厂方法返回抽象产品。 } private Fruit chooseGardener(FruitGardener gardener){ if(gardener instanceof AppleGardener){ return new Apple(); } else if(gardener instanceof GrapeGardener){ return new Grape(); } else{ throw new RuntimeException("No such kind of fruit"); } }



//可选为声明警告 declare warning : [pointcut] : [warn msg]

declare error : !(within(FruitGardener+) && !createMethod())

&&!within(FactoryMethodImpl) && call(Fruit+.new(..))

: "You can only create fruits through the method factory provided by FruitGardener and its subclass";


public interface FruitGardener {} public class GrapeGardener {} public class AppleGardener {} Fruit.java抽象产品类 public abstract class Fruit { public abstract void grow(); public abstract void harvest(); public abstract void plant(); } Apple.java产品类 public class Apple extends Fruit{ public void grow(){ System.out.println("Apple is growing..."); } public void harvest(){ System.out.println("Apple has been harvested"); } public void plant(){ System.out.println("Apple has been planted"); } } Grape.java产品类 public class Grape extends Fruit{ public void grow(){ System.out.println("Grape is growing..."); } public void harvest(){ System.out.println("Grape has been harvested"); } public void plant(){ System.out.println("Grape has been planted"); } } Demo.java测试代码 public class Demo { public static void main(String[] args) { FruitGardener gardener=new AppleGardener(); Fruit fruit=gardener.factory();//创建Apple fruit.grow(); fruit.harvest(); fruit.plant(); gardener=new GrapeGardener(); fruit=gardener.factory();//创建Grape fruit.grow(); fruit.harvest(); fruit.plant(); //new Apple();new Grape();//产生编译错误,不能直接生成产品 } }


Apple is growing...

Apple has been harvested.

Apple has been planted.

Grape is growing..

Grape has been harvested.

grape has been planted.

    有一点值得注意,如果在Demo中加入new Apple()或new Grape()等直接创建产品的语句,则ajc编译器会根据在FactoryMethodImpl方面中声明的错误而无法编译成功,并会得到如下输出:

D:\JavaDev\jbuider\AOPFactoryMethod\src\aopfactorymethod\Demo.java 26 You can only create fruits through the method factory provided by FruitGardener and its subclass 1 error.

